Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Reminder To Me

I attended a funeral of an older man a few weeks ago.  I noticed when the preacher described the great man he was, things he liked, and so on, he never once mentioned the older man's parents.  He shared many wonderful things about the man, but again, no mention of his mommy and daddy.  I sat there, listening, and pondered that..  I wondered about them.  I thought how they probably loved him, doted on him, kissed him, tousled his hair, cried tears of joy and pain over him and with him....  I thought deeply about it...I believe it caught me off-guard because, at this stage in my life, I don't think of my children separate from me.  But that day, it hit me.  Some day my kids will be without me and their life story will go on separate from me.  Some day, hopefully when they're gray, they will not be known as my babies anymore.  This realization made me almost sad - yet it was also a good reminder to not focus on the petty, unimportant things in life.

The important things in life right now:

Doing homework at the kitchen table while the dryer tumbles clothes
Watching little feet run to see another gorgeous flatland sunset before it dips beneath the horizon  (LOOK MOMMY!!!  God is such a good arrrrtist!  Looooook at the skyyy!  It's PERPLE!")
Reading "another chapter" in a big kid chapter book
FaceTime with family
Walking on the spiritual warpath, onward to church, forward to Sunday school, upward to stand and sing, then reverently listening, drinking in Real Water...all so someday the circle will be unbroken and everyone will be reunited in a glorious family reunion.

The unimportant things in life:

Anything that takes away from any of the above.

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