Saturday, March 26, 2011


I am thinking about (and praying about) making my blog public. It's probably going to come as a shock, but I am actually a very private person. I am a people person and outgoing and all, but I don't share many details (I'm even funny about posting the kids full names etc) on FaceBook, here, and so on (for multiple reasons). When I started the blog for my mom to keep up w' the kids n see weekly pics (I've fallen short there!) it said that it was public. (?) So that confuses me too. Can other people read this already and me not know? How secure is this? I'm slightly weired out. I have a friend who switched (I THINK?) to some very secure blog site. I know, I need to contact her and ask. Have you (Amy, Lee, Brandi) ever had issues w' privacy (I don't really want random people reading what I write)? IF people can already read everything I blog about, then opening it up (via FB) is not going to change things much (or is it?).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things I've Learned

I have virtually no control over what I really care about, what REALLY matters to me. All the little attention to detail (what Shawn says is being ocd) is just a time-waster. Seriously. 10 loads of laundry piled. The world didn't end.

I ran out of diapers. (had a spare in van). My baby boy didn't fall apart. He was wet but fine until we got some. I loved this lesson. Planning shmanning.

KIDS REALLY DON'T care what you know til they know how much you care. That has a whole new meaning w' my own. I knew it as a teacher but it is not the same as w' your own. Grace saw me care for her while I was sick. I wanted to take it for her. I really did. She would say "I won't ask you to do anything else mommy." Or, "I don't want you to have to get up any more momma." I told her I would keep doing and keep getting up :).

God healed a lot of people in the Bible. It's good to read some of the healings. Good for the spirit to remember God's power and what He can and has already done.

God's timing is perfect. I wouldn't choose for my kids to stub their toes, but when they do, or when they're down and out w' a virus, I have to trust HIS timing to relent and release it. And believe it. Say it. Believe it WILL BE DONE. Move mountain! (book of Mark, can't remember verses).

I can survive on little sleep. I can survive with a dirty house (this is bigger than little sleep). I can survive on take-out. I used to think if I kept the house sanitized enough, gave the kids healthy food, etc then they would never get sick. I actually think I thought this. To some degree for sure. Well, it only has a bit of truth to it. And the most of it that isn't true sucks up too much time that I could be spending w' my family, loving them, and laughing.

Playing w' the kids is the most fun. I used to dislike it til Feb 18th.

God provides in neat, neat ways like Noah John being so mature and patient and understanding (Mommy sick. Sissy sick. Daddy sick.) And bless his heart, he would sit in a wet dipe for a bit longer than usual and suck his thumb, just good as gold. Sweet spirited child. And when I would say I can't to this or that or please wait...he would say "OTAY mommy." And he would sit back down and suck his little thumb and wait (most of the time).

I don't have a facebook addiction or a food addiction. I have a priorities out of whack issue. They are in order now. GOD please help me keep them there. I don't want to waste time. I want to use it right.

In the end, all I have is God. That's all I have to say.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wow! I looked at my drafts on blogger today and had started one titled PNEUMONIA on February 25. Unfortunately, Grace is STILL battling the yucky sickness. She hasn't been to school in over 2 wx. Please pray for her! She is better for sure. She had a setback or she would have returned to school last Friday. The day before she was to go back (dr release) she spiked a fever then the next night it got to 104 :(. So now, I am thinking maybe next Monday. That would make a full 3 wx out. We will see what her ped says tomorrow. Tomorrow will make her 4th time at doc since Feb. 18. Whew! One of the visits was a real memory-maker but unfortunately not good memories...when she had to have her throat swabbed and blood drawn, it was a disaster. It was traumatic actually. Enough said about that. Enough said about all this. Just pray. It's been rough. (And what I'm leaving out is we have all four been sick and mine just relented really well today!!!)