Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Noah's 15 month check Dr. Grace and Dr. Dodds

Noah John's 15 mo checkup went well~except I forgot to ask Dr. Dodds a question about his 1 yr labs coming back a little low.  I called and left a message for her about it.  Apparently his blood count was slightly low, but that is normal for breast fed babes at 1 yr.  I want to have him re-checked.  Anyway, Noah's Stats are:  He weighs exactly 23 lbs and is 31.5 inches long.  (50th percentile in both)  He slowed down a whole lot, considering he weighed 18 lbs at 3.5 months.  He was, well, BIG.  I am happy with the slowdown...if he had stayed on that curve, he'd be a big ole' boy!!!  haha!!!  He is on target developmentally.  His words include momma, daddy, Grace, Sissy, juice, Na Na (Shawn's mom), Nonna (my mom), book, bye, woof (barks like a dog, lol), Poppa (my dad), cracker, and pumpkin, believe it or not.  We have lots of pumpkins at our farm store :).  As far as walking/running goes, he is awfully clumsy though.  He falls constantly, poor thing, and has bruises, literally every few days.  I feel so bad for him.  He rides a toy tractor on our hardwood like a racecar driver though.  You wouldn't believe how fast he can zip up the hall and turn into a bedroom.  I hadn't thought a whole lot of it until a friend came over who has a child a few months over.  She was astounded at his "tractor driving skills."  :)  Noah waves and shakes his head "no" if he doesn't want something.  He leans in to give kisses and right now, there isn't anything sweeter in my world.  He and Grace play together pretty well overall, considering he's still so little.  They have begun to fuss over toys but I can usually persuade Grace that he'll give up the toy in a few seconds.  He has developed a keen interest in books (one imparticular, a Baby Einstein book of household items) and his favorite thing to do with a book is sit down by our little bookshelf and "read" it himself.  I find him doing this almost everyday and most times if it's upside down, he flips it rightside up.  I love love love it when he picks a book, backs up to me, and plops down into my lap!

Maybe I'm nuts, but I'm excited to finally say we have a routine now.  Since Grace started prek, we have been trying to find a flexible routine and it just wasn't happening naturally.  To be honest...I'll say it...we have just been VERY (V.E.R.Y) out of sync in general, stemming from Shawn and me.  Well, finally, the other night, I sat down and wrote down a schedule.  It starts w' breakfast together and ends in supper followed by the kids having time with their daddy where he can give them hugs and tickles.  Also, during the day, it includes free play and guided play with mommy (which I love).  I like to teach the kids.  I should play with them more quite honestly, but it doesn't come as natural to me...but the teaching part does and I really, really enjoy it.  I have confidence (faith) that because I've approached it with faith, God will honor it.  I am so ready to be in sync and get our family back in line with God's will!!!  I have been so short-fused.  My kids and husband suffer when I blow a fuse.  Not good!  Shawn is trying, too.  It is just taking us awhile to get back on the same page!  Marriage and parenting is hard work. 

Back to my baby boy:
It has taken me a little longer to learn Noah John's personality/temperament than Grace's.  He is every bit as independent and almost as strong-willed as his big sister.  But he is a bit more soft-hearted, maybe.  He is cute as a button with his curly hair and is a huge flirt.  Ladies often say, "I believe he is flirting with me."

I thank God for my little blessings and pray that I will use my time wisely.  I was just thinking today...I'm so glad I have this realization now when my kids are 1 and 4!  They are still little and I truly do appreciate my moments with them, even though lately it has been very hard for me to continue to be home full-time.  God's provisions are all that I care about and I believe HE alone will carry us through.  Please pray for us to have discernment and agreement regarding God's will for our family.   (THIS POST MAY BE DISJOINTED--SORRY!)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Frank Sinatra Said It Best

My kind of town, Chicago is my kind of town.

Shawn and I attended the wedding of my sorority sister and one of my many roommates, Sarah, this past weekend.  It was the first time in years that my 5 closest college friends and I have gotten together.  We have met up separately...but to meet all together...hasn't worked out in WAY too long.  I cannot remember not having these girls as my friends.  Similarly, I cannot imagine going that long again until we all converge.  They are my sweet soul sisters who understand ME and still like, no LOVE, me.  We had a wonderful time.  We did an architectural boat cruise, went to the Willis (formerly Sears) tower, and just had a good time being together.

It was great for Shawn and I to get away for the weekend in general.  We both like traveling and we're both partial to Chicago (although this was our first trip together).  We laughed a lot, talked a lot, and slept in...three things most of us moms and dads don't get a lot of right!?


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Our little family of four went "camping" Friday night.  Not camping like you might think.  We took our sleeping bag, s'mores, etc to the back deck where Shawn grilled hot dogs and we sat on the deck and ate.  We listened to coyotes howl in the distance and Shawn taught Noah to imitate them.  It was really sweet to hear him try!  It sounded like this: "Ah---ewwwwww."  We told stories and cuddled and laughed.  At the end of the night, we brought flashlights inside and after tucking NJ to bed, Grace and I got up in the bed and talked.  :)

Blessed fun!

Pre Chi-Town

Shawn and I really need a weekend away without the kids.  I am drained and uninspired so I'll post again after we get our weekend away (Chicago).  Be prepared for a breath of fresh air THEN (not now, sorry).  Before we get our time away, if you think of us, please say a prayer for us and the children (who will either be here with my cousin or in Monticello), for safety and fun!  Also, I have an unspoken prayer request that I am so excited to hear back from God about.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

God is everything!

It's all about Him.
Not all about me.
It's all about His love.
Not my religiosity.

Nothing I can say.
Nothing I can do.

Nothing I am.
Nothing I am not.

Without God,


Little houses

"You know, love grows best in little houses, with few walls to separate.  You can sleep so close together, you can't help but communicate.  Oh, and if we'd had more walls between us, think of all we'd missed.  Love grows best in houses just like this."  (Country Music Song)

Shawn and I built our home almost exactly 7 years ago.  We built on a corner lot on his parents' 60 acre farm.  The yard has a tendency to retain water and at times, we have literally been surrounded by water.  Shawn made mention of this (he glossed over it) before we broke ground to build.  :)  Back then, we thought we would be here 2, maybe 3, years.  hahhahah  7.  And counting.  Little did we know that we would choose to stay so that I could stop teaching to be a stay-at-home mom.  One of the things we "sacrificed" was moving into a bigger home.  I hesitate to say it was a sacrifice, because honestly, staying home with the kids has been ideal and at times, a luxury.  I hesitate to say luxury, because at times, it has been a nightmare.  I hesitate to say nightmare or to even expound on it...but my lil Grace is an independent bugger with a set of lungs that ... well ... if she ever puts them to good use ... i.e. singing or whatever ... she will put Mariah Carey to so, so, so much shame.  It is true.  I would record it but that would just be mean (to you who would hear it).  There have been times that I have longed for a bigger home so I could get away from the screaming.  Many times, I have carried Noah John into my bathroom, flipped the vent on, all to get away from the shrills.  This is one of many things this little house has seen and heard.  It has also both seen and felt peanut butter (pardon my personification).  Two days ago I noticed a smudge of peanut butter on a wall.  Because I was really busy at the time, I left it there.  Poor wall.  My mom would argue it is just begging to be cleaned.  Fortunately for the other walls, I have taken to cleaning the kids hands faster now, to avoid more smudges that I will not, obviously, have the time to scrub to a sparkling clean.

Staying home with the kids has been a blessing and a curse.  I have learned things about myself that I am not proud of.  I can lose my head over stupid things.  I can yell. And the worst...I can sound just plain ugly.  I know it, because I hear it from my 3 yr old's mouth.  It's like a delayed echo.   Funny how THAT works huh.  For example, currently, I am trying to break Grace from answering me with, "FINE!"  I tell her...say "Yes, ma'am."  To which she inevitably says, "FINE!"  followed by an oddly serene "yes ma'am."  Seriously.  This whole "do as I say, not as I do" thing isn't working.  What's up with THAT.  I have even told her (it's true)..."Grace, do as I say, not as I do."  I just scratched my head and winced.  It seems worse now that I'm typing it.  It is a GOOD thing God is a good God, slow to anger and quick with love.  Spinning off of that, I have tried to be slow to anger and quick to love also.  I have learned to say sorry and I love you and to pick my battles.  A few I don't pick are "Clothes battles" and "Shoe battles."  (Point in case, last Sunday night, Grace in sandals with sport socks on).

My children have polished off my rough spots.  I'm a little more well-rounded now.  I'll admit.  I am not the greatest or the best mom but I never quit trying to be.  I love my kids and I admit when I screw up.  I try to screw up less now that Grace is older, because what if she remembers it!  My theory is forget everything anyway.  I mind my best behavior when the kids turn 3.  Noah John still has 2 years of my screw-ups to contend with.  (In case anyone is worried, I am just kidding).  The truth is, he only has 1 year and 9 mos left of my screw-ups left to contend with. hahahhaaha

This brings me to the intro grows in this small house.  I read something in a book my gran said..."Some are whipping mothers.  Some are loving mothers.  But underneath, they are all still mothers."  Yep.  Gran was a tough cookie.  So am I.  She's the tree, I'm the apple.  I hope I haven't done much harm to my loves.  They are my sun and my moon.  I try, everyday, to be better to them and for them.  I learned not long after having Grace that in order to be my best, I must first love myself.  That has been a journey all its own.  Some days are easier than others.  But if I can't love and forgive and learn from myself, how can I expect the reciprocal or to treat others that way even?

Shawn and I have come to a point that we must reassess things, such as how much longer we can afford me to stay at home with the kids.  It's interesting, because this comes immediately after my nice 1-month sub job.  It's a tough thing to consider-working full-time-because I have college classes to study for (starting this winter, one a semester give or take).  But, like I said, it's interesting, because God's plan has given me peace before.  Even when it wasn't my plan.  So if I'm to go back, he'll order and ordain the job.  He'll put it in the order it should go in...for our family.  I'm excited to receive word from Him.  "He orders our days...."  "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you..." 

Whatever happens though, is not because we want out of this small house.  'Cuz love grows best here!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

HA  I woke Grace up for this bike ride.  Actually Noah John and I were a wee bit mischievous.  We went in her room while she was fast asleep.  I proceeded to "carry on" as my Burke relatives would call it.  I got a little bit more of a kick out of it than her, as is evidenced by her expression 10 minutes later. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little Brother

Noah John has changed by leaps and bounds recently...and in many ways.  The most obvious change has been his personality.  He is full of it and I mean this in a good ;-/ way!  lol  You can tell he is a little brother b'c he is very (I repeat VERY) adept at getting what he wants (items) when he wants them (by any means).  His tactics include pinches and pushes.  Uh-oh.  That is also a favorite word of his these days.

And boy can the kid navigate his way around ride-on tractors and playsets.  He must have gone down the slide 15 times (literally) yesterday before I insisted I give him (and his sister) a bath.  He would whine until Grace lifted him onto the playset...I got a few good laughs as I sat back and watched.  Poor Grace was literally RUN RAGGED.  She tried to catch him at the bottom each time he slid.  She would hoist him up, run to the bottom of the slide, over and over.  They had a blast.  He also has a keen interest in the chickens so from time to time he would tottle (word?) over to the coup, fall down in the dry glass clipping a few times on the way, then squat down to watch the chickens in the coup.  He really likes animals...cats seem to be his favorite.  Well, wait, maybe horses.  Close tie.  I'm glad the weather has been nice enough to be outside.  This summer was way too hot for a 1 and 3 yr old to be outdoors!  I hope they can makeup their outdoor playtime this fall.  Speaking of, we are out of here for a walk.  :)  Actually a late breakfast then a walk.  Ciao!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Grace started "pre" (preschool) yesterday.  (Classes don't technically start til Tues, 9/7)...but she started yesterday in childcare.  I attended a preschool meeting a couple evenings beforehand.  It was a nice, little informational meeting where the director ("Candy" it) went over the basics, told us what the children would be learning, that they would be in good hands etc.  Before the meeting, we walked in and a really nice teacher, about my age, met us.  She asked Grace her name and (even though we had practiced for this) Grace froze and looked at me.  I knelt down beside her and prompted her.  Still she just locked eyes w/ mine and froze!  Finally I told the teacher her name. She responded what a beautiful name "Grace" is..and we walked a few feet to a hallway where another teacher whisked Grace down a hall so "mommy can go to a meeting and you can meet your teachers and play."  It was the very first time I watched her walk away from me into a classroom...a world just for her.  I almost cried.  The nice teacher (Julie maybe?) kept talking to me and smiling.  I apologized and told her I was normally very talkative...that I knew I wasn't responding (I don't really know what she even said to be honest).  I explained to her that I had never dropped Grace off before like this (I had at MDO about 5 times but that was different...pre is a rite of passage into kidhood/school days!).  The nice teacher immediately told me how she completely understood...that her child attends pre there as well...I think she mentioned she was a s-a-h mom until this year...again, not sure.  She really was SO sweet.  I have to find her the next time I'm there and thank her.  She was so genuine.  I went on to the's a wonder I made it down the hall.  :)  After an hour, the meeting was over.  I was feeling much better, because no one had to come get me for Grace.  I signed up to bring food to the Easter party (Thanksgiving and Christmas were already full)...I signed up to go to the play with Grace's class.  At last, I went back to get her and the nice teacher met me and told me she did wonderful and made her a "chocolate chip cookie with ketchup on it."  I am so proud of Grace for easing into this easier than me!  Ha!  Two days later, I got up a bit early to get myself ready.  I slipped into her room and she stirred.  I told her it was the big day...the day she got to attend First Christian for the very first time!  She was up and at 'em as soon as I told her.  Grace requested eggs for breakfast.  We all four sat down.  It was a nice, albeit brief breakfast.  I think we'll try to eat breakfast together at least once a week.  It just starts the day off on a good note.  At least it did that day.  ;0  We arrived at pre and before we could unbuckle her, Grace said, "I can't WAIT!!!!!"  She truly was so excited.  I knew in my heart it was finally time...her reaction proved it.  We snapped some precious pictures of her with her sweet little Dora backpack. 

I brushed her hair in the parking lot and clipped a cute barette in (she refused while we were still at home...she insisted she would fix her own hair...which she did with a barette at the base of her scalp).  I had actually decided if she put up a fight at pre I would just let it be and let her go with fuzzy hair and a barette at the nape of her neck...because she IS independent.  It is what it is.  I can embrace it or not...either way she IS independent!  Like it or leave it.  I've decided to like it.  It will save me a headache as she grows, I know.  Inside the building, we took a couple more pictures and wished her well.  We were in and out quickly.  Of course, Noah John was oblivious.   LOL.  He just wanted down to play in her classroom.  He was happy to ride with his daddy back to "mamaw's" while I drove to Central to teach.  Tomorrow she goes back for day 2.  I will be praying day 2 is great also!  To God be the glory!