Monday, April 29, 2013

Finally and Flowers

Little boy and I played outside for hours this morning!  Now, I know it isn't technically the first time we have done so since spring arrived, but in this part of the world, spring temps are here one day, and the next it's cold and dreary.  It seems like our seasons go...winter, spring, winter, spring, winter, spring, summer, fall, repeat.  My hubby can attest to that.  He's been up in the middle of the night this winter-spring, turning irrigation on the strawberries to keep them from freezing.  Frost after March 1st is tough on farmers who grow strawberries.  I'm getting off track.  So, today after little boy slept in, we headed outside with some sidewalk chalk and a ball.  The sun came out, and we darted in and out of the shade as we played ball, raced each other, etc.  My daughter never wanted to race as much as my boy.  I guess the competitive spirit is engrained, or at least in my two.  I even got the kitties out and let them play in the grass.  Little things are not doing so swell, I'm afraid.  One has trouble walking and the other can only go maybe 7 steps without his back right leg failing him.  I'm beginning to wonder if we are in for a trip to see the aunt-vet, if you know what I mean.  We have been bottle-feeding them now for 10 days.  I hope they make it but it seems maybe they're not doing as well today as previous days.

After playing outside, we grabbed lunch and sat in rocking chairs across from one another on the front porch.  Days like this, I wouldn't trade our humble abode for any place in the world.  BBQ chicken, pineapple slices, mandarin oranges for the boy, and bbq chicken and potato salad for me.  We use a great recipe from (spicy red potato salad).  It is really good, so if you're looking for a summer side dish recipe, you might want to take a gander.   

After lunch, we came in and read a bible story and 2 books.  NJ likes to read a lot which is always a good thing!  Afterward, I rocked him and we sang and talked quietly.  I can't believe he'll be 4 soon!  I've said it many times, and I'll say it again.  I savor my time with him and am thankful every day that I've been able to be home (primarily) with both kids.  Last year had its tough spots because I felt like I was either at work or preparing to go to work.  It's crazy how a little 2 day a week job can consume a mom.  It's because of my OCD tendencies.  Add to that the fact that little boy was adjusting to being on a prek schedule!  We are so happy that summer break is almost here, however, the truth is, we will be just as busy, if not moreso.  We HOP around this farm in the summer...veggies to be picked daily and the hubby's family gets 'em started early ;)  Plus, if we want to see daddy much, we have to catch him at a market or in the field (literally).  I am so thankful for a hardworking man, even though being  a farm wife has been hard for me at times!  I'm sure I'll be posting pics of my flowers and the strawberries soon!!!  They are my farmer's favorite fruit/veggie because they grow throughout the cold months and their arrival kicks off summer!  As for flowers, gran's irises are budding but have a weird rotten spot near the roots which has caused some of the blades to die.  The rotten spots are wet and mushy.  I really hope they don't have something that kills them off; I dug them up from gran's front yard years ago.  I have plants of hers all over here...ivy (yes I love it), irises, and tulips (although bought at Lowe's).  Speaking of transplanting the irises reminds me, the daylilies Shawn and I transplanted are growing tall and green!  The rose bushes look ok, good really, but I never know what they will do until they have done it.  I'm new at growing roses.  Hubby finished landscaping around the knockouts and it looks great...hope they bloom!  My camera is still broken but my iPhone camera is now working again so be on the lookout for flower pics eventually!

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