Monday, June 13, 2011


Noah peed in the floor He is into taking off his diaper...the pro is this is early potty training. The con sentence 1 again. That was about 8 hours ago and I have yet to clean it. It's dried now...I'll have to use my sniffer to find it. (Eyes rolling)

The kids wanted "peanut butter spoons" and I was too lazy to make them stay in the kitchen (or ANYWHERE in one place). So there is peanut butter on the floor and I am afraid to check where else! Seriously. In Grace's hair for one. Blah! Now I'll have to bathe her for sure.

Laundry is stacked in the recliner. Just towels. They will be fast and easy to fold. Oh ... I now remember that there is a load big enough to count for 3 in my dryer (said load almost threw my washer out of whack due to the size!) Is it bad that I hope it isn't completely dry yet, just so I can turn the dryer back on and not have to fold it yet?

The counters are so dirty, you can't rest your arms on them or you might get stuck (ok, this is where I'm exaggerating but they ARE dirty and it bugs me to look at them).

The kids have watched Strawberry Shortcake (or Strawberry Cupcake according to Noah John) twice today. The TV is still on despite the fact that I know their brains are rotting away. They had many giant marshmallows for lunch, along with some other random stuff, like spinach artichoke dip, goldfish, cheese... (So did I).

We made it to a friend's to swim today. She has a large 5 bedroom home. It's massive and stately. The pool was cool and refreshing. I went inside. It was spotless. I can't keep mine clean and it's half that size. And I have half as many kids. No joke.

So I have come to the decision that I am just going to say I'm redecorating...the mess is a work of ART. So there. I'm always trying to expose the kids to art in some form or fashion. There ya go. I just told them the mess is an expressionist art form. I feel better already except for the fact that Grace wants a clear definition of expressionist and I will now have to tell her I'm lazy (thus the icky mess), not smart....


  1. Haha! My kids love peanut butter spoons - it is my favorite lazy, serve yourself lunch. If the laundry is dry, throw a wet washcloth in to help steam some of the wrinkles out. Sometimes it works. And your friend probably has a cleaning lady.

  2. I love this!!!! This is so my life right now too! I totally am going to have to use the redecorating idea:) My friend told me when she opens the door to allow someone in, she just says, "be nice" LOL!!!! I think (hope) that my kids remember all of the fun things we do instead of having a messy house:) Love and miss you!
