Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Noah John

I took Noah John to the dr yesterday (on his 5 month bday) because he's had a bad cough for a month. At the last minute, I was able to get a babysitter for Grace. I'm SO glad I didn't have to take her along because we ended up being there for almost three and a half hours. Noah John's o2 readings were not good, so he had to have 3 breathing treatments (the last with sterroids). Dr. Dodds kept telling me she couldn't send him home until his o2 came up. I was praying, mom and Shawn were praying...and I can tell you I was so relieved when his o2 read 94 so that we could go home and not to Regional Medical. Since we've been home, he has tolerated the treatments "so so." I have been beating on his back. He probably wonders why mommy is hitting him! (ha) Anway, he rested very well last night. Today, he has coughed some but I think he's a little better. The coughs are sounding more productive. What a trooper he is! Honestly, the little guy smiles between coughs. Such a sweet one. I can hardly believe he is 5 mos old. God has blessed us so much. He is a joy. I just wish I could hold the hands of time sometimes. :( As I quickly type-Grace is pushing him around in his walker. She has figured out how to make him laugh and we love it! There is nothing that compares to having our firstborn dote on and love our second! :) Now she is playing a song on the guitar for him. It started out with a cute rendition of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" then evolved to what she calls "Another Mary Song" in which she makes up words about a "Mary" and if you listen close she says Mary didn't pick up her toys, etc. It's obvious what we are working with her on, huh?! I am going to try to insert a video clip. Turn up the volume and listen to our musical sensation. ;)

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