Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Disney: Planning the vacation is not a vacation!!!

They say there are 2 types of people who go to DW...those who plan everything to the n'th degree and those who show up the day-of and go to guest services for quick advice on what to do when.  I believe I fall in the 2nd category!  We are planning a DW trip (long time off) w/ some friends and possibly my mom...and I'm almost dizzy from just looking at DW's trip planning site.  Just tell me when to go to Magic Kingdom, sign us up for a character breakfast at the castle and another w/boy characters, slide us into Bippity Boppity Boutique, the pirate fixer-upper place, tell us when to go to Animal Kingdom, and I'm good.  I think I developed a deeper crease in my 30-something forehead from trying to simplify the process!  Good thing I have a gift certificate for a facial.  Amanda, if you read this, I'm headed your way.  Please use the anti-Disney-planning-cream to the crease b'w my brows. Thank you!

Ah, but yes, Lord willing, it truly will be worth it though, to see this:

with the cutest farm kids this side of the Missisippi!  Or rather, to see them as they experience the magic.  Speaking of them, whew, somebody out there tell me what to do about sibling rivalry, specifically from 3pm-6pm when I'm trying to cook!  The sad thing is that time period is now the only time my two are together through the week (the last 1-2 hours before bed not included- for some reason they change and are so tender w/ each other from like 7 on!?).  This momma is stressed and turning to comfort food to numb it all!  I am in serious need of Jesus and real-deal intervention because this ain't gonna fly in this household!  No way, no how.
What to do...
*read The Word (alive and breathing...WHY oh WHY do I neglect it!?)
*freezer meals (so I can be w' the kids in the thro's from 3-6 instead of screaming from the kitchen w/ a frying pan in my hand..literally that was today's scenario as bacon for blt's popped and sizzled!  i mean, hello redneck central!)
*early bed times for all of us!  we were off to such a smooth start but round about dec...we snuggled in later and closer as the cold outside seemed less appealing.
*go less.  my hubby is on various committees and as a result, we travel more than i would plan at this point...i ENJOY these trips very much but for simplicity sake w/ 2 small ones, i would opt out (but for him!)  that being said, i've already planned an overnight trip for the kids and me to see my cousin and her 19 month old in 6 wx.  what can i say.  not a word if i'm smart!  oops, too late. but seriously, go less.  bw now and end of june, we have one excursion planned and it's a one-nighter.  i'll be surprised if i don't get homesick and head to the hills on an unplanned trip but for now, one trip is the plan so we can ...go...less.
*exercise...start again.  there is not much to do here besides eat - i compare it to when we were out west just a week ago - fast food restaurants were few and far between.  here they are everywhere.  and we like to eat!  we're southerners! 
*be positive, think positive
Happy Trails Y'all & Hope You Never Have to Plan a Disney Trip!  Just kidding!  But seriously, the hubby has taken over and this makes me HAPPY!  I can't afford too many facials afterall.

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