Thursday, December 20, 2012

Crazy Acceptance Noted at Christmas Party

Most who know me would say as compared to others in a rural Southern town, I'm eccentric.  I don't think I would be considered remotely eccentric if I were living in a big city, but to many people around me, I am (yes, they've told me).  As I have mentioned before, choosing public school was a big, huge, major decision for me.  It was a no-brainer for my hubby, and had I listened to him from the start, I would have saved myself some (ok, lots) of worrying!  (And needless discussion, headaches, tears, and a lot of people's ears wouldn't have fallen off!)  I can only hope I'm getting better at praying than talking.  I digress...So I prayed and not only did did my girl make an instant friend, she was assigned a great teacher (who prays for her students), and she also has an aide (who prays for the students as well).  No one told me what an added bonus-blessing the aide could be!  HUGE, I tell you.  I want to express my appreciation, but, how do you thank someone for caring so much for your child that she notices subtle cues and after praying, reacts in ways higher than her own ways?  My best effort will have to be written because I express best that way.  In addition to taking care of G, God answered prayer unaware for me, too. I'm so excited about this!  These newfound friends we've made at school this year not only love my child, they accept me.  Cuh-raz-iness.  Yay!  And by that I mean, I have really been myself (my freakishly compulsive self, especially since the events just last Friday) , and these people like me!  Did I say yay!?

Today in the middle of twenty 5-6 year olds and about 8 adults, I had a settling, comfortable feeling come over me.  I stepped back, looked around at the blessed chaos of wrapping paper, cupcake wrappers, and the like, and realized what it was!  And I was / am grateful.  So for this year, again I say, yay!  I made reindeer water bottles for the class party.  I'm showing them off, because this is about the extent of my artistic/creative side.  If you're artistic, be thankful.  God's gift to you, and to people like me who aren't but who can admire your creations!

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