Saturday, March 20, 2010


The house is quiet.  Noah John is napping (and hopefully recuperating from a viral illness that caused him to spike a 103 temp) and Grace is with Shawn for a couple hours.  In this rare time, I am reminded of God and his goodness. He seeps in like water-under the doors, filling the room-when I'm still enough to realize it.  I almost feel I'm drinking Him in.  Too many times I don't get quiet enough in my spirit to let Him fill the room...fill my life...fill me.  I don't mean it has to be quiet like it is now, either...I'm talking about a peace & quiet in the spirit that I am searching for...something that is there when things are loud all around me.  Sometimes I find it but it often slips away fast (my fault).  I'm convicted lately of spending too much time on the computer when the 'downtime' I have should more consistently be spent regrouping, drinking in Christ, in different forms--prayer, Bible study, being still enough to hear Him.  This song says it all, "I have been blessed and I feel so much more than I deserve."  So instead of FaceBook, which frankly kinda annoys me anyway for some reason (sooo narcissistic, yes?), and instead of email, I'm giving my time to God.  Whatever there is left, whatever time after Shawn and the kids...then I can veg out on the computer (or whatever).  Priorities.  I read something recently and it has been on my mind ever since and I'm so glad because that means it affected my view on life!  It said life should be like a jar of sea shells...put the big shells in first, then the medium sized shells, then the tiny ones and the sand...the sand will sift through and fill in the spaces...but if you try to put the shells in any other order-such as putting the sand in, then the little shells, then the big shells on top...they won't fit as well.  This is like life should be, right?  Put the big stuff in first--GOD.  Put the important stuff in next--family and friends and the things that are involved w/ them such as loving them, listening to them, praying for them, spending time with them.  The smaller, less important things last--for me that is computer time.  I have told Shawn several times I would do away w/ the tv if it weren't for him.  Funny though, I don't say that as easily about the computer.  We each have our "sand"/ small things in life we can waste too much time on huh?  For Shawn-he likes tv.  For me-I write...I read...that's what I do...I like communicating on email, etc.  I'm not suggesting it's bad.  Just bad for me when it's out of sync priority-wise.  Thank you to a friend of mine who posted something she had been convicted of opened the door to my heart so that I could examine my priorities because I have been burdened too lately.

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