Saturday, March 2, 2013

Healfy Food

Noah John asked for lentils for lunch yesterday.  Country boi is healthy boi.  I like lentils because, unlike pintos, they don't require soaking, and are ready to eat in 20 minutes!  Add onion, garlic, and voila!  This mom was pleased to feed spoonfulls of this to a cute blue-eyed preschooler!

No that is not my pic.  I don't garnish anything, haha. 

He also asked for a bowl of veggies for lunch on Wednesday...carrots, celely (as he says), and his "fravrorite":  broccoli.  He is like the rest of us if given the choice to eat junk 99% of the time, then sometimes he surprises me with saying, "I want something healfy to eat."  Ninety-nine percent of the time, he'll choose chips over veggies if he can, for example, so if you see him with his hand stuck in a cheeto bag, don't be shocked.  Then there was the time recently that my mom took him to Mickey D's and he said he didn't want anything, but wanted fruit at home.  Sure enough, she ordered nuggets for sis, and wheeled out of their with a happy boy in tow.  I want my kids to have a healthy relationship w/ food, so we attempt a fine balance.  That being said, I am making more of an effort to eat veggies, and I've found that I stay full longer, and crave chips less.  I have always eaten a fair-moderate amount of veggies, but those blasted snacks are so plentiful everywhere I turn, and I cave too many times.  I like crunchy foods, especially carbs, but cheerios and pretzels have provided my crunch/carb fix this week.  The big news is I have not had sweets in 6 days.  I attribute craving less to this feat.  I had gotten so addicted to sugar, it was bad.  I think clearer (if that's even a word) and my mood swings are less severe (just in 6 days).  I am on a quest to get weight off again, but at least I don't have as much to drop as I did when I started 3 years ago!  Putting this out here makes me vulnerable but not putting it out here didn't help either, so here goes!  Here's to feeling good and thinking clearly!  Next step, eventually, cut calories (which I cannot stand to do!!!).  One thing at a time and right now, cutting sugar is a huge praise. 

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