Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big shades and bigger hat....

Today is one of those days. One of those days I'm counting my blessings. Living out loud. Being myself. Headed out to a trunk show in super big shades and a big fat hat. I am turning into my mother, moment by moment. After nearly 35 years, heaven knows I've figured out she's not such a bad role model after all (or fashionista either). And to think...I cried when she wore hats to church when I was a kid. So far, Grace is more of a self-expressed fashion gal than her middle of the road, play-it-safe mom. I don't think she'll bat an eye at my get-up today. Fact of the matter is, it's that or we don't leave the house today. The trunk show we're going to is Matilda Jane Clothing. This is the piece Miss Grace will have...her first MJ piece. VERY pricy. Thanks Nonna :) for this early FIFTH birthday present.

Next week, my friend is having another trunk show. I'll have to scrape up some change to pay for these to go with the dress. Hey. She only turns 5 once!

I'm really looking forward to grabbing my new camera and snapping some shots of Grace in her new outfit this fall. I think I'm going to try to do her 5 year pictures to off-set some costs (like redecorating) this fall. Hopefully that will make me get my tail in gear and learn how to put my Nikon to use. I have done nothing but point and shoot so far when the camera is honestly capable of professional quality. I will definitely try to get a couple uploaded for you readers :). I have some ideas in mind for the field behind our house.

This morning, Grace asked if I would fix sausage and gran's biscuits for breakfast. The kids are crazy about those biscuits. I am crazy about the fact that they are so simple (3 ingredients: sr flour, mayonaisse, milk) and the fact that each time I make them, I think of how simple yet respectable gran was. She thought fanfare was for show-offs. Gran was so rich in character. This fact makes me scratch my head at splurging on the dress above. Gran would really disapprove of such frivolous nonsense! I never splurge without thinking of gran's disapproval. EV-ER. I guess when you have lived through the Great Depression, you learn a lot about necessity versus nonsense.

Speaking of gran's biscuits brings us to the topic of food...I'm fixing chicken pot pie tonight or tomorrow. I have to figure out a way to get more vegetables into my boy child. It will be loaded with celery, carrots, squash, and zucchini. Operation Child will be hungry enough to try anything. Underway today. I'm going to try a new recipe since I have misplaced my mom's. I really like Any recipe website that shows reader rating gets thumbs-up from me.

As I sit here typing, Noah John is about a foot away from me, looking up at the tv with big, clear blue eyes and a thumb in his mouth. The tv is a treat that Noah particuarly likes. I'm going to post a clip of the Chuggington theme song on another post. It's 2 minutes long :) if you want to watch and learn, chuggers! (It's his favorite!) He is such a precious kid. I completely and totally adore his personality. He is a clown, loves to laugh big loud laughs, loves to make others laugh by making faces, & loves to dance with his big sister. He knows some colors and can say part of the alphabet (he smiles, cuts his eyes at us, and stops for applause after maybe 10 letters). He runs and jumps all the time, except when he is sleeping. He is an accident waiting to happen, which I've said here many times before. I relish all prayers that he will be safe and unharmed. He goes 90 to nothing, climbs everything, and falls and bumps his head a lot. His favorite foods are bananas, tomatoes, peaches, pretzels, and any manner of junk food he can get his hands on...sigh. BUT alas! I am the vegetable-hider-extraordinaire! Soon (hopefully) he will be eating more veggies. Plus he's a farmer's can he not?

Few people know that Shawn and I have contemplated moving to town for about 2 years. I have been hesitant to the whole time...& I think I have convinced him that we don't need to move right now. Frankly, Shawn is tired of driving to town and he would upsize to a little bigger house on less ground, while I like being close and cozy and away from the hub of town. In my opinion, we need to redecorate and reorganize (and do some minor remodeling). I'm kind of fascinated by the challenge! The upside is we built the house 8 years ago so it only needs some simple updating (unfortunately simple does not mean cheap). We certainly need to add some closet organizers to make the best use of space too. I guess what I mean is things are structurally great, but I'm ready to get some new paint on the walls, move things around, add some new furniture, and maybe even a fireplace like this for those winter nights I love....
Can you believe this little fireplace is on sale for less than $250?

The downside is I will have to get a part-time job to help fund this. The theme is "Victorian Old South meets small house with smaller budget" so we'll see. Don't you think this bedding we just bought at K-Mart I might add, fits the theme!? I do! And it definitely met our small budget at $99.

(Sorry the bed wasn't made...I'm not sure where I left my brain that morning)....I've always been a Scarlet O'Hara at heart and I think this bedding looks like something she might fall down on and throw a good ole fit! Of course now, I would just never, ever do such a thing.

Back to paying for all this redecorating...I'm looking at a job opportunity that would require me to work 20 hours a week. Sometimes more. I should be working by September 1st. I need prayer about going back to work and putting Noah John in school 2 days versus the 1 I had planned on originally (before we decided to redecorate). Grace will be there anyway. I know for sure it would be harder on me than him. He is a social, friendly kid. Here's a pic of the friendly brother and his big sister...just for you Nonna! Woody and Buzz all washed and clean!

On another note, I definitely cannot end this post without asking for prayer for some friends of mine who have just receieved very discouraging news. The Merimees have 3 little girls and are a great, fun, most importantly Christian, couple. They are giving Craig's health situation to God, knowing that He can keep them stable even when test results are not stable. Please pray for Craig, Michelle, and the kids right now. God has heard and delivered them and can again. My praise for this post is my new little cousin-nephew Jack was born and after a few bumps in the road is doing remarkably. Yay Chelsea and Dan and a big hug from me!

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