Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wow! I looked at my drafts on blogger today and had started one titled PNEUMONIA on February 25. Unfortunately, Grace is STILL battling the yucky sickness. She hasn't been to school in over 2 wx. Please pray for her! She is better for sure. She had a setback or she would have returned to school last Friday. The day before she was to go back (dr release) she spiked a fever then the next night it got to 104 :(. So now, I am thinking maybe next Monday. That would make a full 3 wx out. We will see what her ped says tomorrow. Tomorrow will make her 4th time at doc since Feb. 18. Whew! One of the visits was a real memory-maker but unfortunately not good memories...when she had to have her throat swabbed and blood drawn, it was a disaster. It was traumatic actually. Enough said about that. Enough said about all this. Just pray. It's been rough. (And what I'm leaving out is we have all four been sick and mine just relented really well today!!!)


  1. So sorry to hear all that! Praying for swift recovery!!!

  2. Thank you Lee Anne. I appreciate the prayers. We all do. We are healing. Noah John has something now (102 temp). God is a great comforter and healer and He has snapped my priorities in shape. I have learned a lot since Feb 18! :)
