Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kentucky Derby

This was supposed to be the the 3rd (or is it 4th) annual Derby party/playdate at our home.  The kids were going to race stickhorses, color pictures of horses, and just be kids...while the moms (and a handful of dads) chased and chowed (chased kids and chowed Derby pie!)  However, God had other plans.  It began raining in the middle of the night and hasn't really stopped, or not for long anyway.  Our yard retains water...this was to be an outdoor event.  We had expected the largest crowd ever.  But, God had other plans.  :)  When I went into G's room around 7:30 this morning, I could tell she had a bad eye infection before I turned the beside lamp on.  Her eye was obviously swollen....  Bless her heart!  She was so extremely irritable yesterday.  She and I just went in rounds and it was, well, awful.  I wouldn't have won any Mom awards if they gave them out, let's just say.  I decided last night that I'm going to have to read my Bible every single day.  Period.  That's that.  It is my only chance of making it out with at least a decent Wife, but especially Parent award, if they ever do give them out.  Well, anyway, I did read The Word today...chapter 1 of the book of Matthew.  I learned that Joseph's granddad's name was Matthan.  (Joseph the husband of Mary, the mother of our Christ).  I like that name.  I think I'll share bits of what I learn every so often.   Obviously my insight today is only skin deep (at best)...but at least I'm starting.  I believe if I just read the Bible daily, I'll be infused with God...even if all I can share here is about someone's name.  (Smiling).  Is a name really trivial though!?  I hadn't realized it until now, but for my last post, I posted a link to my favorite song, "He Knows My Name."  Cool.  That means God even knew Matthan's name!  I'm glad I read about him today.  Maybe he raised his son right...who then raised Joseph right...who then obeyed God and remained with Mary despite her becoming pregnant before they wed.  Remember:  only about 6 people even know I blog here!  This is more of a journal than anything.  And I hope and pray that one day when I print it in book form, I will find a progression of me as a bright-eyed, optimistic firsttime mom all the way through to a wise (or at least wisER) woman of God.  I can hope, can't I?  The Bible says without hope, NOTHING is possible.  But with God, ALL things are possible. (Philippians 4:13)  Thankfully that means there is hope for ME (insert:  my patience or lack thereof and my impulsivity or lack thereof...the list could go on).

I better go.  Noah John is screaming from his crib.  He is fighting sleep today.  I hope he isn't getting pink eye.  I told Grace he shouldn't get "pink" eye because he is a boy.  I guess we program them, huh?  (Girls like pink, most boys don't).  That's a whole other post.


  1. Hey, your blog always makes me smile:) Would it be ok with you if I post a link to it on the sidebar of my blog? If you don't want me to, I promise I won't be offended.

  2. Let me think about it...I want to say ok...but I was very inhibited the last time my blog got read by more than a handful. Let me think. And by the way, I wish I could see you. It's been a long time. You're in Gtown w/ my good friend Tara Stivers. Do you two know each other?
