Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy to say...

Happy to say I have no pictures yet again, no wise or witty words to type either.  We have, however, had a summer full to the brim with life, love, family near and far, friends, church, carnival rides, lake and pool time, fish fry dinner, park w/ cousins, park w/ poppa, park w/ nonna, grilled yumminess, movies (Monsters U most recently), card games (nieces, poppa Grace, and I got hooked on Spoons recently), bingo (sight word bingo ;) teacher-momma), dinners out w/ friends, and the best part of all...two vbs's which means more time in the Lord's of my fave things about summer!!!  I have seen more extended family and friends who live away than I have in years!  Even my cousin from GA ended up coming over for a quick overnight stay while I was at my parents!  Sometimes things work out best when they're impromptu!  My goal was to be off the computer more this summer and I've succeeded here.  Now FB is next to go!  I'm embarking on a weight loss journey yet again, and Lord knows, that will take all my mental capacity bc in the south, food=happiness and food=all anyone talks about (myself included).  Over 2 years I've gained 15 lbs by eating everything I wanted, basically!  YUCK!  I'm so over obsessing about food in general, and even moreso, hearing it being obsessed over!  So here's to a good balance.  Again. :)  Signing off and soon, off fb.  Have a few pics to develop first though.  Have a great summer.  The rest of the summer, we plan to attend a fireworks show (tonight actually), go to the drive-in, and I will be in the office a lot to prepare for a big August event!  Grace will start her lemonade stand this Wednesday at the market, too, and that's come to be something she LOVES about summertime!  I know this is choppy and all- sorry!  Happy summers all around.

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