Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Too Busy & Other Lessons

It's funny how kids can say the darndest things (pardon my Kentucky slang there) and teach us lessons.  The last little bit, Grace has started telling me she is busy.  For instance, the other morning, we woke up to 6 inches of snow.  Grace was not at all impressed.  She walked to the window, looked out, and basically let us know it looked pretty enough, but she was content to be inside in the warmth.  After breakfast the conversation went as follows:

Me:  "Grace I'm really surprised you aren't itching to go outside and play in the snow!"
G:  "No, I don't want to.  I'm busy."

Me Laughing:  "Busy?  Doing WHAT!?  You're three years old!"

Side note:  Everything we ask her to do seems to get answered with an "I'm busy!" 

G:  "I'm busy wanting to watch some tv."

The lesson I learned here is that she has heard me say, "I'm busy right now honey" so much that she now says I have to get less busy and spend more time saying "Sure honey sounds fun" when she asks me daily to have a tea party or pretend we're at a bday party or have a princess party or whatever it may be.  Hopefully I'll figure all this out before Noah John gets much older right ;^)??? 

Speaking of Noah John, I just want to slow him down.  He said Momma several times today!!!  I think this adds word #4 or #5 to his repertoire.  (Daddy, Momma-which he said awhile back then quit, Hi, Poppa, and once or twice Bye).  He is trying to pull to standing.  His chubby little legs try and try, but he usually only pulls up with help.  He is the fastest crawler I think I've ever seen, and can scale a room in no time flat.  He's like Dash on "The Incredibles."  FFfffast.  He has the sweetest smile and squinches his eyes when he does.  I pray for him at night sometimes-that God will find favor in him, just like He did Noah in the Bible, that he'll live his life for Christ, be surrounded by Godly friends, & someday if it's God's will that he will have a Godly wife.  I also pray for me then, because I think children in general are so deserving of such love and kindness and I pray that I will be the mom God intends me to be.  Parenting is so hard.  Yet it's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done.  Even though the lessons I learn, like being too busy here at home, I often learn from the mouths of my babes.

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