Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Every fall for at least 3 years, I have gotten the intense urge to de-junk, reorganize, siffer through "stuff"...and this fall (though a tad early) is no different except that this year, the kids are here instead of with mom (which makes it slow-going).

I began this yesterday, and worked for almost 7 hours "reorganizing." We went to bed afterwards with stuff piled in both mine and Shawn's bedroom and in Grace's room. You gets worse before it gets better.

I used to think our 1800 sq foot home was so small that we should move to have more places for our stuff, but then we started house-shopping. I saw houses the same size as ours (but on a little 1/4 acre lot and definitely older) for the same price as ours. Umm, no thanks. I also saw big houses that were definitely NOT the same price as ours. Umm, no thanks. I told Shawn I really didn't want to go back to work to afford a lifestyle and meant it with all I have. We decided to stay put. Then, separately, I decided things had to change. Not that I had ever let it go completely by any stretch. It's just that as my kids get older, they get more stuff too, even their clothes take up more space because they're bigger. Who would have thought? :)

I'll probably never be a minimalist (that would be too cool), but I had a grandmother who was (because back then, it never registered to her to do anything different). She was also enviro-conscious. She didn't do it to be cool, or to prove any political points. She did it because it was (and still is) common sense to save and reuse because it makes for less waste, thus less trash bags, thus less money out of her own pocket, as well as less "junk" to deal with and handle in the long run.

SO, LEST I LOSE MY FOCUS... (I've broken up near-bloody Easter egg fights twice during this quick post)...I find it a fun challenge to siffer through then keep the things we use and appreciate. I won't discuss the whole 'I-begged-for-an-attic-but-our-builder-did-what-he-wanted-schpeel'. I sure would love a place to stash my Christmas tree and decorations. And Shawn's granddad's flag from the navy, and other things that I don't get rid of in the dejunking process. Oops, I gave my word. I won't discuss the missing attic.

I have to go. Grace has asked me to put a 3D puzzle together with her. Umm, yes! This is her last year before kindergarten. I hope and pray we use the time well. I just wish this ear-piercing screaming would stop. Sibling rivalry stinks. BAD. Why can't they just play and be happy? It would make it a lot more fun for me too!!!

Anyway, it's been a fun half hour. My blog is my therapy. Easter eggs (found in the dejunking process) are strewn everywhere. I'm going to make a game of it and remember a quick MOPS message I read this morning: "roll with the punches." I will feel SO much better and will be able to think more clearly when I am finished with this process. And AFTER I FORCE myself to "roll with it"...the eggs are going up (but not in an attic) until April. Period.

PS I bribed with "whoever gets the most eggs gets to pick the next activity"...and guess what was chosen? Moon dough. Any of you with little kids understand. I need not say more.

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