Friday, June 11, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Grace attended VBS at our church June 6-10.  It was a hit (after 2 nights of trepidation on her part)...  I will have to say we all were a little sad when the last night came around.  We enjoyed having dinner at church at night and seeing so many friendly, familiar faces.  One of the tough things about being in a relatively big church is you don't see everyone each Sunday like you would in a smaller church.  I enjoyed preparing snacks for about 120 people each night (I had great help!)  Noah John tagged along with us but left early most nights with his daddy.  I'm going to try to attach some photos from the week but it may take me a couple days (they are in two or three different locations). 

PS VBS has inspired me to start using puppets here at home, with the kiddos.  Our first puppet show will **hopefully** be for my brother's birthday in July.


  1. I answered your question in the comments of my zucchini post, but I just have to say, everytime you comment on my blog or post on yours, I MISS you! You make me laugh so hard. Seriously, I would love to hang out sometime and catch up. Yeah, like when neither of us have kids hanging off of us or other wife/mom stuff to do:) Umm, so in about 10 years let's get together! lol

  2. The funny thing is (ok, I'm laughing now!!!) I don't even mean to make people it's a little embarrassing...are you laughing AT ME!? OR WITH ME!? (Still laughing!?) I love it that you seem to know how to 'take me' I think...some ppl think I'm just odd. HA!
