Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bluegrass Fest Take II

     In late June, we attended a bluegrass fest in Renfro Valley, Kentucky.  It's a short drive from my parents' so I sent Grace (with big cousin Isabelle) with my parents one day early.  I spent the night at the house I grew up in that is now my brother and sister-in-law's home.  It was a neat experience and felt more natural than I thought it would.  My "home" has always been so much more than a's been food and friends and family and fun and ... lest I forget fights...  and FAITH...and fiddles (music) and just so much more.  Apparently those very things are inherently going to be wherever my parents are because I feel them too, although they have moved from my childhood home.  It reminds me of that saying, "Home is where your mom is."  I have found this to be true.  I'm so glad to have the house to still check in on though, and it was fun to let the "boys" play together while the middle girls were away that first night.  This was their very first playtime that was not wrought with  barbies, dolls, lip gloss, care bears, and a few "can I hold him's?"  where they are inevitably likened to a baby doll. ;-p  This brings us to the bluegrass fest!  Before we took off to hear music Saturday afternoon, we loaded all the kids onto the couch...and as you'll notice Noah John is in his 3 year old sister's lap.  After the picture, we kind of forgot who had him, and Grace (being 3 and not at fault) just let him go and he fell "smack!" into the floor!  (He was fine but I felt horrible!)  I have said it several times and it's true...he has had probably every bit of 15 more head hits than Grace.  (Firstborn syndrome had it's ups for her and not getting hurt as often was one!)  
     The bluegrass fest turned out pretty good.  It was hot, I won't lie.  But we let the kids swim for 2 or 3 hours which cooled them off while keeping them occupied!  Clark got in the water for the first time too.  I think bluegrass is probably in the five grandchildren's blood because not one of them complained during any of the concerts, or at least not for long enough for me to remember it.  The next weekend, mom and I took my two to ROMP in O'boro.  I will have to say we were uber impressed with the location and the bands.  Yellowstone Park had much more shade which, in KY, is crucial at an outdoor concert that lasts all day long!  Claire Lynch ("less grassy, very blues") was the singer we were specifically there for...and she turned out to be as good as mom bragged (I had never heard her but now am a fan)!  Noah John climbed me like a MONKEY and smiled at the guy behind us a lot...Grace finally settled in to mom's lap.  I think her favorite part was when one of the guys in Claire's band played his body....  We had a nice time...and came home to a sick Shawn, followed by Grace the next morning, and me two days after and Noah John managed to escape it (thank you God).  I truly love living in the bluegrass state, although I do miss those East TN mountains at times!   

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