My darling Noah John stopped nursing and is a full-fledged whole-milk lover. Bring on the red tops and the baby is happy. Show him blue ... and well ... pun fully intended ... he is BLUE and repeatedly throws his sippy overboard (newsflash: those cups are not spillproof if they are tossed overboard). Anyway, I don't think we'll see any of the water-milk (fat free) for at least 6 more months (not complaining). His big sister, however, is a bird of a different feather. Much to her daddy's chagrin, I see soy milk in her future unless we can convince her to drink cow's milk again. This actually started about a year ago. Initially, I didn't worry over it for two reasons 1) I had a newborn and was preoccupied and 2) she ate cheese 24/7... (ate: past tense). I realized recently that uh-oh! Grace isn't into cheese anymore and yogurt has never been a daily food for her either. She eats it but not 24/7. So, the last several days have been spent doing what I will call "OPERATION CALCIUM." This has included...chasing down strawberry syrup with a Kroger employee, replenishing our chocolate syrup, buying two types of string cheese, lots of yogurt, trying new, sugar-loaded cereal, hand-feeding both food and drink, pleading, bribing, and who knows what I've blocked out. Operation Calcium is intense, see. Shawn says, in general, I need to ease off. But! Her bones! They'll break...immediately! I just know it. And her teeth...oh the teeth. I hadn't even thought of those. Yes, I must push forward. So far, strawberry milk has been the drink of choice (but even then, it's slow-going). At present, she is working on the same sippy full of it for going on 3 days (ew, maybe she needs a fresh drink...maybe it's soured!)
To make a point to Grace one day, I told her when Nonna was little, they didn't have milk unless they milked a cow...I told her Nonna's bones got weak and she had to start taking medicine to make them stronger. I went on to say that when Nonna married Poppa, he bought her all the milk she wanted anytime she wanted...and that now her bones are stronger. Grace's reply, "I'm glad Nonna's bones don't have holes in them anymore...and I'm glad Poppa buys her milk...he even buys her chocolate anytime she wants it too." I have pondered this for a few days. I think she is trying to get me to buy her chocolate. Lose the battle, win the war... hershey syrup 'in' the milk and we both win....
Finally, to the point of the post, apparently Trix cereal has a commercial in which someone says, "Amazing things happen when you eat Trix cereal." One night, while trying to get Grace's milk quoto in, we let her eat Trix cereal for supper. While taking the last bite or two, she said what she heard (and believed) on the commercial, "Amazing things happen when you eat Trix cereal." She went on to say she wondered what would happen and that she just couldn't wait for whatever it was. I asked her what she thought might happen and she answered, "I don't know, maybe a pony or a horse...'cuz I really want a pony!" I got up from feeding the baby and told Shawn that Grace thought something amazing was about to happen, all because of a commercial claiming if she ate Trix, then it would be so. I said, "I feel sorry for her. What do we do?" We came back into the kitchen and after about 5 minutes, the door bell rang. Shawn and Grace went to answer it and guess what! Something amazing was there! Not a pony. Not a horse. But something, or should I say, someone, amazing was there: NONNA was surprising us with a visit! Grace literally shrieked; I wish I had it on video. She said Nonna was better than a pony or a horse. (That should make mom feel good.) The moral of this story is: God is in the small stuff. While something amazing may not happen each time one eats Trix, the main thing is it happened once, and for this little girl, it made her week!!! Faith like a child..... Shawn and I both grinned out of shock and were happy for our little girl...and glad her innocence is so apparent and so precious. Noah John just laughed and laughed! It was so cute! He was so happy as well. :D
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Summer in Southern Florida
Well, I had every intention of posting all these pictures of sweltering heat and sweaty kids and pools and sprinklers, and of course, the temp dropped to here recently it's been more like a nice, comfortable summer in KY (thank GOD) than summer in southern fl. AND I AM NOT COMPLAINING. The pics can wait...and so can the heat!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Bluegrass Fest Take II
In late June, we attended a bluegrass fest in Renfro Valley, Kentucky. It's a short drive from my parents' so I sent Grace (with big cousin Isabelle) with my parents one day early. I spent the night at the house I grew up in that is now my brother and sister-in-law's home. It was a neat experience and felt more natural than I thought it would. My "home" has always been so much more than a's been food and friends and family and fun and ... lest I forget fights... and FAITH...and fiddles (music) and just so much more. Apparently those very things are inherently going to be wherever my parents are because I feel them too, although they have moved from my childhood home. It reminds me of that saying, "Home is where your mom is." I have found this to be true. I'm so glad to have the house to still check in on though, and it was fun to let the "boys" play together while the middle girls were away that first night. This was their very first playtime that was not wrought with barbies, dolls, lip gloss, care bears, and a few "can I hold him's?" where they are inevitably likened to a baby doll. ;-p This brings us to the bluegrass fest! Before we took off to hear music Saturday afternoon, we loaded all the kids onto the couch...and as you'll notice Noah John is in his 3 year old sister's lap. After the picture, we kind of forgot who had him, and Grace (being 3 and not at fault) just let him go and he fell "smack!" into the floor! (He was fine but I felt horrible!) I have said it several times and it's true...he has had probably every bit of 15 more head hits than Grace. (Firstborn syndrome had it's ups for her and not getting hurt as often was one!)
The bluegrass fest turned out pretty good. It was hot, I won't lie. But we let the kids swim for 2 or 3 hours which cooled them off while keeping them occupied! Clark got in the water for the first time too. I think bluegrass is probably in the five grandchildren's blood because not one of them complained during any of the concerts, or at least not for long enough for me to remember it. The next weekend, mom and I took my two to ROMP in O'boro. I will have to say we were uber impressed with the location and the bands. Yellowstone Park had much more shade which, in KY, is crucial at an outdoor concert that lasts all day long! Claire Lynch ("less grassy, very blues") was the singer we were specifically there for...and she turned out to be as good as mom bragged (I had never heard her but now am a fan)! Noah John climbed me like a MONKEY and smiled at the guy behind us a lot...Grace finally settled in to mom's lap. I think her favorite part was when one of the guys in Claire's band played his body.... We had a nice time...and came home to a sick Shawn, followed by Grace the next morning, and me two days after and Noah John managed to escape it (thank you God). I truly love living in the bluegrass state, although I do miss those East TN mountains at times!
The bluegrass fest turned out pretty good. It was hot, I won't lie. But we let the kids swim for 2 or 3 hours which cooled them off while keeping them occupied! Clark got in the water for the first time too. I think bluegrass is probably in the five grandchildren's blood because not one of them complained during any of the concerts, or at least not for long enough for me to remember it. The next weekend, mom and I took my two to ROMP in O'boro. I will have to say we were uber impressed with the location and the bands. Yellowstone Park had much more shade which, in KY, is crucial at an outdoor concert that lasts all day long! Claire Lynch ("less grassy, very blues") was the singer we were specifically there for...and she turned out to be as good as mom bragged (I had never heard her but now am a fan)! Noah John climbed me like a MONKEY and smiled at the guy behind us a lot...Grace finally settled in to mom's lap. I think her favorite part was when one of the guys in Claire's band played his body.... We had a nice time...and came home to a sick Shawn, followed by Grace the next morning, and me two days after and Noah John managed to escape it (thank you God). I truly love living in the bluegrass state, although I do miss those East TN mountains at times!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Vacation Bible School
Grace attended VBS at our church June 6-10. It was a hit (after 2 nights of trepidation on her part)... I will have to say we all were a little sad when the last night came around. We enjoyed having dinner at church at night and seeing so many friendly, familiar faces. One of the tough things about being in a relatively big church is you don't see everyone each Sunday like you would in a smaller church. I enjoyed preparing snacks for about 120 people each night (I had great help!) Noah John tagged along with us but left early most nights with his daddy. I'm going to try to attach some photos from the week but it may take me a couple days (they are in two or three different locations).
PS VBS has inspired me to start using puppets here at home, with the kiddos. Our first puppet show will **hopefully** be for my brother's birthday in July.
PS VBS has inspired me to start using puppets here at home, with the kiddos. Our first puppet show will **hopefully** be for my brother's birthday in July.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Anchor Holds
My dear friend Beth had a baby on May 10. Six days later, the baby who was presumed to be healthy prior to this, was flown to Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville. I really can't express what all my friend Beth has gone through in the last few weeks, as well as her husband and 3 year old. In 5 weeks, the sweet baby has been put on life support, on a ventilator, had open heart surgery, a throat operation, and is now awaiting a trach. She weighs a pound less now than she did at birth because her little body is working so hard to breath that she is burning all her calories and not thriving. Their trial--the baby's fight for life--has impacted so many people in such a positive way. I am one of those people. I have been so moved-so touched-so reminded-of the blessings in my life and reminded that, really, our life is not our own. We are NOT in control, ultimately (hard to admit for a control freak like me!) I will say .... I truly am changed. About a week ago, I wrote my friend a letter. I enclosed the lyrics to "The Anchor Holds." I am happy to say that the last couple days, the little one has rallied again and is doing better. Although she is better, she needs prayers as she still has so very many issues such as feeding, an impending operation, etc. God deserves our praise. She is a miracle child and I firmly believe this has happened for a reason and that He is already glorified. Also, I'm amazed at the outpouring of love and support my friends have experienced. People have been so kind, loving, and faithful to believe...those parts have been refreshing. My friend has sure changed through all of this...she knows the anchor, our Christ, HOLDS. Amen! See the clip below.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
7 years on June 7
Shawn and I were married seven years on June 7th. Four years ago on this date, we found out we were expecting a baby girl. And my due date for Noah John was technically June 7. We like June. And we like the 7th. What we don't mutually like, though, is The Raven. Two days before our anniversary, we went to Holiday World. We were supposed to be chaperones but because it was our anniversary weekend, we didn't have to chaperone anyone and got to spend the day acting like kids! (As it turns out, we needed a chaperone!) I'm grinning from ear to ear! We had such fun! However, it started out rough! The very first thing we did was get in line for The Raven, a wooden roller coaster. The man infront of us said it wasn't bad. I don't know what alien ship dropped him, but afterward, I wanted to find him, shake his shoulders and say, "It was bad!" LOL I checked the stats and the first drop was 85 feet. I don't like falling 3 feet and I definitely don't like dropping 85 feet (followed shortly by 60 feet). Laughing. The mere THOUGHT of Shawn yelling during it makes me giggle! I hadn't ridden anything aside from a merry-go-round in 20 years. I think the last time I rode something so ridiculous, I was a 6th grader and on a church trip to Kings Island. Anyway, despite Shawn's screaming, I didn't make a sound on The Raven. I honestly don't think I could have squeezed out a sound if I had to. I only opened my eyes once or twice. When the ride jolted to a stop, I was both glad and confused. Why would an intelligent person subject him/herself to that? Both physically and mentally, it wasn't good. My brain hurt until the next morning. Suffice it to say, I don't plan to do that again! But the things we do for love right? It was our anniversary weekend and we were there sans kids...I had to do what I couldn't do with them there. I told Shawn afterward, it's not that I'm too scared (I've had two children). It's that I'm too smart. I know that is not good for your body or brain. Shawn told me the next day that he had fun with me (What! Amidst my gasps when we go 'round curves in the van, he forgot I could live dangerously!? How!? :) Seriously, though, we had a great time, had a great meal at Biaggi's later, spent the night in Evansville (slept nearly 12 hours), woke up refreshed (brainache gone) and came home to greet a cranky 3 1/2 year old and a sleeping 1 year old. Mom and dad left within 30 minutes. Haha. You'd think they had just ridden a roller coaster or something. My two blessings are a thrill a minute which is a nice way of saying high-maintenance. Aha! THAT is why I don't need to physically climb on board a roller coaster...I have two right here in my own house.
The next time we go somewhere like that, look for me at the wave pool. That will provide all the adrenaline rush I need. There or the local spa. Speaking of, I better go make my facial appointment. Just a thought~wonder if Shawn might join me? Fair's fair.
The next time we go somewhere like that, look for me at the wave pool. That will provide all the adrenaline rush I need. There or the local spa. Speaking of, I better go make my facial appointment. Just a thought~wonder if Shawn might join me? Fair's fair.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Noah John's FIRST Birthday
Happy First Birthday Baby Boy!
The biggest blessing of this past year was the birth of my son, Noah John Brumfield. Noah John came into this world on June 2, 2009. He weighed 8 lbs, 8 oz and was 20" long. I'll never forget seeing him for the first time through tear-filled eyes, and telling him, "I'm so glad to finally meet you" when he was just a couple minutes old. Noah John's birth story began on June 1st. My water broke around 11pm at night. We called the doctor and headed to the hospital. I was so calm, considering that I knew I was going into labor! At 11:27 a.m. the next day, my precious boy child arrived via c-section. The newness of his life brought (both then and now) renewal in my life.
These are the things Noah John has enjoyed in the first year of his life:
cheerios, tomatoes, juice, balls, my mom and dad, his daddy, his sissy, musicNoah John has been the quintessential baby...chubby legs, round belly, chunky cheeks, and lots of jibber jabber. This may be odd to point out, but because Grace talked so clearly so very early, I have really enjoyed this stage with Noah John. He's been right on target developmentally...sat up, crawled, stood on target, and is now trying to walk. He takes one step, then flops down to his bottom.
I cannot believe the past year has gone by this fast. I pray frequently that God will continue to bestow His blessings on Noah John. I thank Him constantly too, for this sweet, sweet blessing He has entrusted to me. He is my little star....
Happy Birthday Dear Noah John, Happy Birthday to YOOOOOU!
My *little* star!
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