Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Light of the World

I've gotten so behind on blogging that catching up is a daunting task. Rather than bore you with excuses, I'm going to start with my devotional from this morning. Let's say I'm going to try to step back into the light, because heaven knows I need to. Most of today's post will be directly from a book called "Serving in His Steps" by Jane L. Fryar. Sorry for the lack of creativity here, but what she said hit home with me, then resounded again later, when a friend blogged about "light" today as well.

"At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light."

-Ephesians 5:8 ESV

I've neglected my devo/Bible time for quiet some time now. I seemed to stumble through pretty well (note: stumble) until just recently. My reserves of patience and all other things good and Godly ran out- and not in a pretty fashion. I've needed God's sweet grace and kind forgiveness badly. I've needed to know walking as a child of God is possible...as I teach my own children to walk...and that task, too, has been daunting to me.

"Yes scripture is clear: apart from a living, dynamic relationship with God through faith in his Son, we have no hope, no peace, no true "goodness." Our acts of kindness or service are not enough to secure our salvation. When we "walk as chldren of light", we give up the pretense of personal holiness. We beg God's pardon for our self-deception. We confess our attempts to take credit for the good things that God himself has worked in us and through us. We receive forgivenss from the one who tells us bluntly, "Apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). We cling to the relationship Christ established with us, drawing strength, wisdom, and discernment from him. We're filled with his love, and we live with his wonderful promise that..."The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter til the full light of day." (Proverbs 4:18)

This afternoon was full of sunshine. The kids and I headed out, but for a few brief minutes, and I snapped this picture. I found it fitting since today's message to me was simple: walk as a child of light!