Friday, March 23, 2012


I have never understood the saying, "What is sleep to me anyway?" Or "I'll sleep when I'm dead." I have two very close friends who never sleep...they are both really creative and in neat, God-given, God-honoring ways. One has STORES of energy too. The other is patient with a capital P. Again, neither of them sleep much at all. One has 5 children; the other has 3. They're both pregnant. I admire them but don't get them!!! And they both know it! Haha! I need sleep to function well (i.e. get out of bed). I especially need sleep to function happily. I once read that women must take care of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually to accomplish all God has designed us for. Agreed! Easier said than done, though. Shawn's innocent questioning, "WHY are you so tired? Every night you're asleep by 9:30 and get up the next morning after I've showered?" shows he doesn't get it either. I've told him if he didn't drink 3 Dr. Peppers a day, he too, would be asleep by 9:30. He usually pops a top, takes a cold sip, and pretends to agree. I go on to remind him who gets up w/ the kids when they wake with a nightmare, need to go potty, etc. For example...just last night...the house alarm went off for five minutes. Me: Ugh...the alarm messed up again. Shawn: It did? Me: Yes. For 5 minutes. Shawn: Huh. Didn't hear it. Me: Yes. And Grace had a nightmare about a giant ladybug. She was running from it when an iguana tried to attack her. Shawn: Huh. Me: Yes, she was up briefly. Next, and I kid you not, he said: Why are you so tired? Get up Shanner! I'm leading up to what should have been a great point. As I do as often as I can, I fed the kids dinner early then put them to bed early last night. They rarely nap anymore, so this works out sometimes. Knowing that they got enough sleep to placate a bear in winter, I had visions of a euphoric playday on the farm today. Blowing breezes, warm embraces, healthful picnic, laughter. The kids woke up a little after 7. I began to slowly fix breakfast. It was obvious their moods were positively affected by their early bedtimes...until breakfast didn't come soon enough. I guess I worked a little too slow because by 9:45, they were overly hungry and cranky. I was still feeling pretty positive...afterall Shawn and I spent hours vegging out last night for the first time since I started working part-time. We watched mindless tv for THREE AND A HALF HOURS. We shared some Graeter's ice cream. I reflected on these things this morning while the grouchiness crept in. The kids really like a big home-cooked breakfast and I was excited to have served it up for the first time, ahem, since I started working pt. Nevermind the fact that I didn't get it finished before Shawn left for work. It was the "cat's meow" kind of breakfast for us...veggie omelet with lots of cheese, toast served up with strawberry butter, plain butter, and/or strawberry jelly made from a fellow Farm Bureau friend. We topped it off with double servings of juice, a treat! By the time we were finished, we were fat and full. I left the dishes on the table (something I never do) because the only thing I could do was head to the couch and plop down. I texted Shawn all about it (on purpose, because I know he loves big breakfasts and I know breakfasts have consisted of cereal, maybe fruit, or a granola bar for awhile now). I wanted him to know I still have it in me...I'm adjusting to working and part of that has meant less energy / time to plan meals! The kids watched 2 hours of tv and near the end of watching, began to squabble. It went from squabble to rival in about 15 minutes. I grabbed the remote like it was a sceptor. It did no good. I clicked the power button. Funny how when I do that, the kids go from being arch enemies to fellow comrades against ME. Wailing ensued. Time-out followed. I took a teeny bit of comfort in knowing I had gotten a teeny bit of work done on the computer during their tv time. At this point, I had juuuust about gotten the get-up-and-go I needed to start making Easter eggs (Grace has been begging me for a solid week). I jumped up from the couch and immediately saw that toys were allovertheplaceandinnospecificorder. Operation: toy pickup started. That was two hours ago. Nothing has been picked up. More has been gotten out. Kids have been sent to their rooms to play separately so that they cannot touch each other. The boychild has been called OUT of his room because he jumped on his bed. I've plopped back down on the couch. Dishes still sit on the table. OJ out. Toys scattered. Easter egg kit strewn everywhere. So much for early bedtime setting the tone for the next day. Did I mention I'm still on the couch? Lest I leave on a negative note, I still envision outside playtime today. I just think it will be after our energetic babysitter gets here. I need backup. And a Dr. Pepper.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Light of the World

I've gotten so behind on blogging that catching up is a daunting task. Rather than bore you with excuses, I'm going to start with my devotional from this morning. Let's say I'm going to try to step back into the light, because heaven knows I need to. Most of today's post will be directly from a book called "Serving in His Steps" by Jane L. Fryar. Sorry for the lack of creativity here, but what she said hit home with me, then resounded again later, when a friend blogged about "light" today as well.

"At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light."

-Ephesians 5:8 ESV

I've neglected my devo/Bible time for quiet some time now. I seemed to stumble through pretty well (note: stumble) until just recently. My reserves of patience and all other things good and Godly ran out- and not in a pretty fashion. I've needed God's sweet grace and kind forgiveness badly. I've needed to know walking as a child of God is I teach my own children to walk...and that task, too, has been daunting to me.

"Yes scripture is clear: apart from a living, dynamic relationship with God through faith in his Son, we have no hope, no peace, no true "goodness." Our acts of kindness or service are not enough to secure our salvation. When we "walk as chldren of light", we give up the pretense of personal holiness. We beg God's pardon for our self-deception. We confess our attempts to take credit for the good things that God himself has worked in us and through us. We receive forgivenss from the one who tells us bluntly, "Apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). We cling to the relationship Christ established with us, drawing strength, wisdom, and discernment from him. We're filled with his love, and we live with his wonderful promise that..."The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter til the full light of day." (Proverbs 4:18)

This afternoon was full of sunshine. The kids and I headed out, but for a few brief minutes, and I snapped this picture. I found it fitting since today's message to me was simple: walk as a child of light!