Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving #2

Last Thursday, we celebrated "Thanksgiving #2" with the Brumfield side of the family.  As has been the custom the last 3 years, Shawn's sister hosted at her house.  It was a smaller gathering, with his parents, his sister, her 2 boys, and her husband, and Shawn's cousin Rachel and her husband Jason.  We were so glad they were able to come this year.  They just married last July and live about an hour and 45 minutes away.  (She was born and raised in Canada!)  I ate way too much (literally, I've gained 11 lbs in like 6 wks, yuck).  The food was amazing though.  My dessert was a hit, which made me proud, b'c my mother-in-law and sister-in-law have a real gift in the kitchen.  Anyway, the dessert was so easy to make and a no-bake at that.  Oreo Trifle.  Layer Double Stuff Oreos, vanilla pudding, and cool whip.  Voila.  Sit in fridge overnight.  (Cookies then soften and make the dessert delectible).  I can't take credit it for it though; I got it from my sister-in-law, Amanda.  :p 

After we ate, played, vegged, talked, and snapped a couple of pictures, we loaded up our two monkeys (who ate, quite literally, only dessert all day long...I just wanted to eat my turkey in peace, so I didn't fuss over their sugar-consumption).  We also loaded up the nephews for the annual T'giving sleepover.  I regret to say we did NOT make a gingerbread house this year, as I didn't have time to go buy a kit (don't say make it yourself).  Believe it or not, we grabbed McD's for the kids to eat for supper and after a quick stop at Rural King & Blockbuster, headed to Nebo.  The kids were wound pretty tight (the sugar intake had to hit a new record!) and I do mean PRETTY. TIGHT.  I ended up laying down with Grace and Jonah, after Jonah and I read books, and I fell asleep right on the edge of the bed.  I'm so proud of Jonah for learning to read!  Poor Noah balled his little eyes out and I had to get him up and lay him back down at least 3 times before he called it a night.  Logan said he would sleep on the couch if Noah kept that up all night, ha, and I'm sure, despite our attempts, he didn't believe us when we said that Noah usually doesn't cry at night at all.  Why would he believe us--Noah did the exact same thing last year!  And honest, he usually sleeps so well at night.  :)

It was a fun Thanksgiving #2, but I will admit, I was drained and felt fatter than butter, neither of which do any good for my mood!!!  Friday night I slept like a babe.  Actually, we all did.  Shew!  Big week and a half for all of us.  "Going and doing" with 2 little ones is harder than it looks! 

Please read the post entitled Intense Love.  I subbed in Sunday school and taught on it.  An hour later, when the preacher began his sermon with, "Today's sermon will be about love"  I was kind of in awe...LOVE must be the theme God wants me to focus on right now.  I LOVE it when God gives me 1 word:  LOVE. It's less confusing for me (I think I've said that before).  GOD IS LOVE.  God loves you!!!

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