Sunday, January 9, 2011


I typically really like January.  It's my birth month.  I like snow.  I like starting anew each year.  BUT this year January has taken a new meaning:  COLD temps and a 1 and 4 yr old don't mix!  Noah John wants to go outside ("ou-si" as he says) so bad.  He has begged several times and when I say no, he cries.  Grace has asked to play outside several times too.  I can't believe it but I have spring fever-and obviously I got it from my children.  Kids, coats, hats...more to lug around this time of year!

I had a blessed birthday.  I got a pedicure to start the evening off right!  Shawn and I went to DiFabio's and then shopping!  I bought 3 new coats with bday $!  Yes three!  I have been called the queen of coats by my accountability gp at church.  Good thing I'm not having to be accountable to them for impulsivity.

Noah had his 18 mo checkup this month.  He is in the 40-50% group for height and weight.  He showed off a lot for the med student and his ped.  (opened up and said 'ahhhh' when asked to, told them a choo-choo was outside, grinned, flirted, talked a lot).  To quote his ped, "He's definitely on-track developmentally, which is not surprising."  I guess reading to a kid really does help huh!  :)

I read The New Strong-Willed Child by James Dobson in late Dec.  It was okay at first...until Grace came home from a 3day stay in Monticello and I was floored.  It was GREAT!  She has not had a major meltdown since.  I want everyone w' a strong-willed child to know...there is hope!  And the best part is she is a hundred times happier and more cooperative so we can do normal, fun stuff together!  She is such a funny little girl.  We went to see some friends yesterday and she told me she wanted to say something to their little girl (Grace's "best friend") to really make her laugh as soon as we got there.  She loves to make others laugh and to laugh.  She is a happy, intelligent 4 yr old.  I am grateful to God for his patience with ME as I stumbled through the first 3 years of raising a sw child.  It might be a play on words (her name) but I can't think of a better way to say it:  If it weren't for God's grace, I would have been a lost cause as a parent on more than one occasion :(.  For that, I'm regretful.  Not that I expect myself to be perfect, just patient.  It has taken me YEARS but my husband has rubbed off on me, and I really am learning to be more patient.  It is wonderful, because there are many times when patience is a must (or else moods go downhill, complaints fly freely, focusing on the RIGHT things gets lost, etc).

I have been devouring The Word recently and I want to share something from the book of James.  "...everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.  For man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.  Therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you which can save you."  This script really speaks to my heart.  What I hear when I read it is that I should listen more than I talk and that EVIL IS SO PREVALENT.  BUT the WORD OF GOD IS PLANTED IN ME.  I thanked God yesterday and will again now that the WORD IS PLANTED IN ME.  I have said it and thought it many times...each time I am faced with a temptation of various sorts, I have an "out" if I want it.  I knew the way out was provided by the Holy Spirit but now I know it is provided by Him planting HIS WORD IN ME.  That is so very comforting to me.  To's there...I don't have to do anything.  Because I'm a Christian, it is THERE.

Grace tried out for Hansel and Gretel Ballet this past Sunday.  She did an excellent job.  We prayed beforehand that she would do her best and thanked God that her best is good enough for Him.  She made it through first cuts and it looks as if she will be a dewdrop fairy and have a small role.  Being "mommy" to Grace and Noah is second only to my relationship w' God and then Shawn.  When I get any of those out of order, things do not go well for long.  I am so thankful that there is a proper balance and love it when I find it and keep it, because it is easy to get things out of order.

I signed up to run a half-marathon on April 30th.  I trained for a week then quit (long story) but plan to resume as soon as I kick this cold.  I plan to run 6 or 7 miles and power-walk the remainder.  I'm excited and know that ONLY with GOD can I do this (I am NOOOOOT a runner).  I have started a Bible Study called "The Lord's Table" and it is phenomenal.  After only 1 week, I have seen how wonderful it is.  It is written for an addiction ministry and deals w' filling up on SPIRITUAL FOOD.  In my 1 wk I have seen how true it is...I never get full on junk food but I always get full when I read the Bible etc.  I am looking more and more forward to seeing what God has to show me and teach me in the study.

I have jumped topics like a hot potato.  Noah is up and I have had so much hot tea (cough, clear itchy throat) and water that I am going to float out of here.  I hope to update on Christmas very, very soon.  I apologize for going out of order.  I want to put a couple of Christmas pictures on here with the Christmas post.